Agriturismo Podere Pratella

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Surrounded by nature

A wealth made ​​up of hilly landscapes, marine views of beaches yet livable, uncrowded and very clean, curtains of green Mediterranean scrub that run to the horizon, almost erasing the signs of the lack of human presence.

The true flavors of Tuscany

The food is good, wholesome and abundant wine, oil and vinegar, milk, butter and cheese, eggs, veal and pork, poultry, olives, sausage and bacon products directly or local, are among the ingredients that compose it.

Love for the animals

In the barn and pens we have, chickens, geese, ducks, guinea fowl, turkeys, ducks, rabbits, pigeons, dogs and cats, in short, there is a genuine family farm is open all year.

Surrounded by History and Culture

A stone's throw from the sea, near harbors and medieval towns rich in history. City of art and culture, which have marked the history of the area. Cities like Volterra, Populonia, Piombino, Suvereto.

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Responsabile del trattamento dei dati personali è il sig. Alessandro Colletti.
Partita Iva 00914650502 e Iscrizione CCIAA di Pisa n° PI-1997-76384

Agritourist' Regione Toscana'